Jynx’s litter 4 days old

4 days sleeping

Our chocolate litter is growing quickly! They love to eat and Jynx has been glued to them- only taking short breaks to eat or go outside. She's been a super mama to these guys.



4 days litter
4 days litter

Yesterday the litter had their first Early Neurological Stimulation and Early scent introduction. We are using the same order of scents as we did with the Eclipse litter. We started with birch, the first AKC scent.

Jynx is the dog that I do scent work with and she is very enthusiastic when we go to classes. I was curious on how her puppies would do. Raven's puppies had mixed interest on every scent. Every one of Jynx's pups were positively interested in the new scent. In fact several of the puppies were struggling and did not want to be handled, but when they caught the new scent they were immediately calmed and focused on the birch.

Today the litter will be visiting the vet and getting their dew claws removed and a well checkup. These pups are very healthy so we expect them to do well.