Jynx’s Grease Litter Day 3

Day 3 Grease Litter

Wow- our Chocolate Grease Litter is already 3 days old! These guys are amazing eaters. Poor Jynx never leaves them and someone or 10 is always at the milk bar. She is doing a great job keeping up. Maybe she is over-achieving- these pups are gaining weight faster than our Eclipse litter. Just for comparison- the smallest Eclipse pup is 1005g and the largest Grease pup is 760g. Granted this boy started off huge- but he's had the biggest gains each day.

My little Pink Lady is not the smallest anymore. She caught up and passed some of the pups and now she's right there in the middle of the littles. I'll try and get some individual photos later today.

Day 3 Grease Weights
Day 3 Grease Weights